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Lots pf press about Joe Biden's peace plan for Israel & Gaza, but going less reported, is Tony Blair's involvement in it...
Right, so Joe Biden has come up with a three point plan for peace between Israel and Hamas, which is of course getting a fair bit of media attention as you might imagine, but as it turns out, in a not very prominently discussed aspect of this story, a throwaway comment almost in Sky News coverage of this story, Biden is very much not acting alone here, though getting all the credit depending on the source material you read, because another man is in the shadows involved in this plan and it a guy who has had designs on Gaza himself for a while and is frankly the last person on Earth, pretty much, you’d want to see get involved there, because apparently one of the people Joe Biden has been involved with to develop this latest plan piece, is a man about as welcome on the political scene as nappy rash, a certain Anthony Charles Lynton Blair.
Right, so Genocide Joe Biden, still trying to rescue his reputation whilst remaining consistently on Israel’s side, has come up with a new peace plan and when announced it apparently took people by surprise, nobody knew something was being cooked up here, just days after Hamas had apparently told mediators that without the Israeli assault on Gaza being ended, there would be no more discussions from them, though the media handily omit to say this is following Netanyahu’s refusal to back a peace deal that Hamas had actually agreed to, though that said, they likely only did so to wrong foot Israel, and succeeded, but that was covered in another video I won’t cover that one here.
It is a stripped down version of previous plans, broken down into three fairly straightforward stages, though more detail will likely follow publicly depending on how it gets received.
The first stage is a 6 week ceasefire, during which the IDF will withdraw from all populated areas of Gaza.
The second stage would involve an exchange o..

Starmer's flagship energy of GB Energy is appearing to be more and more of a con that might actually see bills rise
Right, so GB Energy, the new flagship policy of Keir Starmer’s election campaign after he binned the last one, needs talking about, it needs scrutiny, because as ever when it comes to Keir Starmer, you should be looking for the con, looking for the fast one being pulled, and when even his own ministers are struggling to explain exactly how it works, you ought to have guessed by now that we’re being had.
This plan is being sold as a nationalised energy generator, investing solely in Green Energy, ostensibly you might think it’s the route to cheaper bills finally after being scalped by the Big 6 and whoever else has survived the last year and a half or so, so many energy companies going under, but it is nothing of the sort, it is pure Thatcherism 101 and therefore instead of reducing bills, it could actually see them soar, protecting the profits of the established privatised energy companies, instead of us.
Right, so trickle down economics, the excuse Margaret Thatcher used for selling off the nations family silver back in the 80’s is back on the table, presumably Rachel Reeves found some in a dusty corner of the nations economic dining room, that she’d missed and being an advocate of Tory economics, such as she is, is busy concocting some kind of national con, in order to get it flogged off and into the pockets of private investors, such is the now flagship Labour Party policy of GB Energy, a con right down to it’s logo, which as it happens, the party have apparently just bought off a stock photo website for 57 pence if they took a subscription out on it, I know the Tories are saying they spent £35 quid on it and it basically looks like a light bulb that is farting, a wonderful analogy, since this policy actually stinks.
It had been sold to us, as one of Starmer’s 6 steps, announced as part of his umpteenth relaunch of himself basically, as a new nati..

With the Rafah Crossing and now the entire Gaza-Egypt Border under Israel's control, the end of 45 years of peace is at risk.
Right, so people’s attitude towards Egypt throughout the Israel Gaza conflict has been one of them either accepting Egypt’s role in trying to mediate a peace process and people just calling them cowards for seemingly allowing Israel to behave as they have, not engage with negotiations meaningfully at times and now, having violated decades old peace accords, still Egypt appear to be largely sitting on their hands.
But there has been a bit of shift certainly since the violation of those Camp David Accords, which have maintained peace between Egypt and Israel since 1979, now worsened in the last couple of days as the entire border between Gaza and Egypt has fallen under Israeli control.
Egypt are getting more and more incensed, the resentment is bubbling up, those peace accords, which Egypt have threatened to tear uyp look more and more likely to end up tossed into the fire and at the bottom of all of this, is yet again, Genocide Joe Biden. But if you’re wondering how he quite fits into this scenario allow me to explain that not only does he fit in, but the state of matters right now between Egypt and Israel are in no small part his fault.
Right, so Egypt and Israel, they’ve a history of going to war with each other, I won’t say a long history, because Israel despite bleating about their God given right to the lands they occupy, have only existed since 1948, but the last time the two countries went war in 1973, the Yom Kippur War, which Israel claims to have won, but actually didn’t really, it was not a repeat of 1967, when they seized the Palestinian Occupied Territories, the Sinai and the Golan Heights from Syria, they ended up being bailed out by US intervention, Egypt got the Sinai back, peace accords between those two countries were signed and without Egypt partaking of military action going forwards, the rest of the Arab states, didn’t h..

With the Rafah Crossing and now the entire Gaza-Egypt Border under Israel's control, the end of 45 years of peace is at risk.
Right, so people’s attitude towards Egypt throughout the Israel Gaza conflict has been one of them either accepting Egypt’s role in trying to mediate a peace process and people just calling them cowards for seemingly allowing Israel to behave as they have, not engage with negotiations meaningfully at times and now, having violated decades old peace accords, still Egypt appear to be largely sitting on their hands.
But there has been a bit of shift certainly since the violation of those Camp David Accords, which have maintained peace between Egypt and Israel since 1979, now worsened in the last couple of days as the entire border between Gaza and Egypt has fallen under Israeli control.
Egypt are getting more and more incensed, the resentment is bubbling up, those peace accords, which Egypt have threatened to tear uyp look more and more likely to end up tossed into the fire and at the bottom of all of this, is yet again, Genocide Joe Biden. But if you’re wondering how he quite fits into this scenario allow me to explain that not only does he fit in, but the state of matters right now between Egypt and Israel are in no small part his fault.
Right, so Egypt and Israel, they’ve a history of going to war with each other, I won’t say a long history, because Israel despite bleating about their God given right to the lands they occupy, have only existed since 1948, but the last time the two countries went war in 1973, the Yom Kippur War, which Israel claims to have won, but actually didn’t really, it was not a repeat of 1967, when they seized the Palestinian Occupied Territories, the Sinai and the Golan Heights from Syria, they ended up being bailed out by US intervention, Egypt got the Sinai back, peace accords between those two countries were signed and without Egypt partaking of military action going forwards, the rest of the Arab states, didn’t h..

With the Rafah Crossing and now the entire Gaza-Egypt Border under Israel's control, the end of 45 years of peace is at risk.
Right, so people’s attitude towards Egypt throughout the Israel Gaza conflict has been one of them either accepting Egypt’s role in trying to mediate a peace process and people just calling them cowards for seemingly allowing Israel to behave as they have, not engage with negotiations meaningfully at times and now, having violated decades old peace accords, still Egypt appear to be largely sitting on their hands.
But there has been a bit of shift certainly since the violation of those Camp David Accords, which have maintained peace between Egypt and Israel since 1979, now worsened in the last couple of days as the entire border between Gaza and Egypt has fallen under Israeli control.
Egypt are getting more and more incensed, the resentment is bubbling up, those peace accords, which Egypt have threatened to tear uyp look more and more likely to end up tossed into the fire and at the bottom of all of this, is yet again, Genocide Joe Biden. But if you’re wondering how he quite fits into this scenario allow me to explain that not only does he fit in, but the state of matters right now between Egypt and Israel are in no small part his fault.
Right, so Egypt and Israel, they’ve a history of going to war with each other, I won’t say a long history, because Israel despite bleating about their God given right to the lands they occupy, have only existed since 1948, but the last time the two countries went war in 1973, the Yom Kippur War, which Israel claims to have won, but actually didn’t really, it was not a repeat of 1967, when they seized the Palestinian Occupied Territories, the Sinai and the Golan Heights from Syria, they ended up being bailed out by US intervention, Egypt got the Sinai back, peace accords between those two countries were signed and without Egypt partaking of military action going forwards, the rest of the Arab states, didn’t h..

With the Rafah Crossing and now the entire Gaza-Egypt Border under Israel's control, the end of 45 years of peace is at risk.
Right, so people’s attitude towards Egypt throughout the Israel Gaza conflict has been one of them either accepting Egypt’s role in trying to mediate a peace process and people just calling them cowards for seemingly allowing Israel to behave as they have, not engage with negotiations meaningfully at times and now, having violated decades old peace accords, still Egypt appear to be largely sitting on their hands.
But there has been a bit of shift certainly since the violation of those Camp David Accords, which have maintained peace between Egypt and Israel since 1979, now worsened in the last couple of days as the entire border between Gaza and Egypt has fallen under Israeli control.
Egypt are getting more and more incensed, the resentment is bubbling up, those peace accords, which Egypt have threatened to tear uyp look more and more likely to end up tossed into the fire and at the bottom of all of this, is yet again, Genocide Joe Biden. But if you’re wondering how he quite fits into this scenario allow me to explain that not only does he fit in, but the state of matters right now between Egypt and Israel are in no small part his fault.
Right, so Egypt and Israel, they’ve a history of going to war with each other, I won’t say a long history, because Israel despite bleating about their God given right to the lands they occupy, have only existed since 1948, but the last time the two countries went war in 1973, the Yom Kippur War, which Israel claims to have won, but actually didn’t really, it was not a repeat of 1967, when they seized the Palestinian Occupied Territories, the Sinai and the Golan Heights from Syria, they ended up being bailed out by US intervention, Egypt got the Sinai back, peace accords between those two countries were signed and without Egypt partaking of military action going forwards, the rest of the Arab states, didn’t h..

An investigation by LabourList has discovered that while Starmer might take Tory scalps, he could lose seats he already holds.
Right, so the polls are saying Labour are on course for a thumping victory. Depending which on which poll you look at, which you prefer, which do you trust more? Pick your poison, it’s all the same really, but varying between 27 points and 12 points ahead, there’s clearly little agreement, other than Labour are in front, though even that relies on their methodologies and that doesn’t necessarily reflect reality. There are all kinds of factors such polls may not take into account and I’m betting one of those factors is the Muslim vote losses that Starmer has presided over, in no small part, but not exclusively so, his ongoing, apparently immovable position on Israel and Gaza. You see there’s panic going on behind the scenes, where even apparent ultra safe seats that Labour already hold are now, according to their own website, battlegrounds they need help to hold, including some key figures and the common denominator between them all, is the large Muslim population. So how much damage has Keir Starmer done to Labour’s Muslim vote and is it actually fair to consider just them, when so many others are just as disgusted by Keir Starmer and his Zionist politics?
Right, so Labour are so nailed on to win the next General Election, that they are now advertising on their own website that they need help in certain seats that they already hold, and the common denominator is that all of these constituencies have significant Muslim populations, though Labour aren’t admitting to that little nugget of information, that has come courtesy, ironically, of a LabourList investigation, which despite the name is not connected to the Labour Party – they typically do support them – but are actually a news website completely separate and this article is certainly doing Labour no favours and clearly the loss of the Muslim vote Labour typically enjoys a significant c..

An investigation by LabourList has discovered that while Starmer might take Tory scalps, he could lose seats he already holds.
Right, so the polls are saying Labour are on course for a thumping victory. Depending which on which poll you look at, which you prefer, which do you trust more? Pick your poison, it’s all the same really, but varying between 27 points and 12 points ahead, there’s clearly little agreement, other than Labour are in front, though even that relies on their methodologies and that doesn’t necessarily reflect reality. There are all kinds of factors such polls may not take into account and I’m betting one of those factors is the Muslim vote losses that Starmer has presided over, in no small part, but not exclusively so, his ongoing, apparently immovable position on Israel and Gaza. You see there’s panic going on behind the scenes, where even apparent ultra safe seats that Labour already hold are now, according to their own website, battlegrounds they need help to hold, including some key figures and the common denominator between them all, is the large Muslim population. So how much damage has Keir Starmer done to Labour’s Muslim vote and is it actually fair to consider just them, when so many others are just as disgusted by Keir Starmer and his Zionist politics?
Right, so Labour are so nailed on to win the next General Election, that they are now advertising on their own website that they need help in certain seats that they already hold, and the common denominator is that all of these constituencies have significant Muslim populations, though Labour aren’t admitting to that little nugget of information, that has come courtesy, ironically, of a LabourList investigation, which despite the name is not connected to the Labour Party – they typically do support them – but are actually a news website completely separate and this article is certainly doing Labour no favours and clearly the loss of the Muslim vote Labour typically enjoys a significant c..

With the Rafah Crossing and now the entire Gaza-Egypt Border under Israel's control, the end of 45 years of peace is at risk.
Right, so people’s attitude towards Egypt throughout the Israel Gaza conflict has been one of them either accepting Egypt’s role in trying to mediate a peace process and people just calling them cowards for seemingly allowing Israel to behave as they have, not engage with negotiations meaningfully at times and now, having violated decades old peace accords, still Egypt appear to be largely sitting on their hands.
But there has been a bit of shift certainly since the violation of those Camp David Accords, which have maintained peace between Egypt and Israel since 1979, now worsened in the last couple of days as the entire border between Gaza and Egypt has fallen under Israeli control.
Egypt are getting more and more incensed, the resentment is bubbling up, those peace accords, which Egypt have threatened to tear uyp look more and more likely to end up tossed into the fire and at the bottom of all of this, is yet again, Genocide Joe Biden. But if you’re wondering how he quite fits into this scenario allow me to explain that not only does he fit in, but the state of matters right now between Egypt and Israel are in no small part his fault.
Right, so Egypt and Israel, they’ve a history of going to war with each other, I won’t say a long history, because Israel despite bleating about their God given right to the lands they occupy, have only existed since 1948, but the last time the two countries went war in 1973, the Yom Kippur War, which Israel claims to have won, but actually didn’t really, it was not a repeat of 1967, when they seized the Palestinian Occupied Territories, the Sinai and the Golan Heights from Syria, they ended up being bailed out by US intervention, Egypt got the Sinai back, peace accords between those two countries were signed and without Egypt partaking of military action going forwards, the rest of the Arab states, didn’t h..

An investigation by LabourList has discovered that while Starmer might take Tory scalps, he could lose seats he already holds.
Right, so the polls are saying Labour are on course for a thumping victory. Depending which on which poll you look at, which you prefer, which do you trust more? Pick your poison, it’s all the same really, but varying between 27 points and 12 points ahead, there’s clearly little agreement, other than Labour are in front, though even that relies on their methodologies and that doesn’t necessarily reflect reality. There are all kinds of factors such polls may not take into account and I’m betting one of those factors is the Muslim vote losses that Starmer has presided over, in no small part, but not exclusively so, his ongoing, apparently immovable position on Israel and Gaza. You see there’s panic going on behind the scenes, where even apparent ultra safe seats that Labour already hold are now, according to their own website, battlegrounds they need help to hold, including some key figures and the common denominator between them all, is the large Muslim population. So how much damage has Keir Starmer done to Labour’s Muslim vote and is it actually fair to consider just them, when so many others are just as disgusted by Keir Starmer and his Zionist politics?
Right, so Labour are so nailed on to win the next General Election, that they are now advertising on their own website that they need help in certain seats that they already hold, and the common denominator is that all of these constituencies have significant Muslim populations, though Labour aren’t admitting to that little nugget of information, that has come courtesy, ironically, of a LabourList investigation, which despite the name is not connected to the Labour Party – they typically do support them – but are actually a news website completely separate and this article is certainly doing Labour no favours and clearly the loss of the Muslim vote Labour typically enjoys a significant c..

With the Rafah Crossing and now the entire Gaza-Egypt Border under Israel's control, the end of 45 years of peace is at risk.
Right, so people’s attitude towards Egypt throughout the Israel Gaza conflict has been one of them either accepting Egypt’s role in trying to mediate a peace process and people just calling them cowards for seemingly allowing Israel to behave as they have, not engage with negotiations meaningfully at times and now, having violated decades old peace accords, still Egypt appear to be largely sitting on their hands.
But there has been a bit of shift certainly since the violation of those Camp David Accords, which have maintained peace between Egypt and Israel since 1979, now worsened in the last couple of days as the entire border between Gaza and Egypt has fallen under Israeli control.
Egypt are getting more and more incensed, the resentment is bubbling up, those peace accords, which Egypt have threatened to tear uyp look more and more likely to end up tossed into the fire and at the bottom of all of this, is yet again, Genocide Joe Biden. But if you’re wondering how he quite fits into this scenario allow me to explain that not only does he fit in, but the state of matters right now between Egypt and Israel are in no small part his fault.
Right, so Egypt and Israel, they’ve a history of going to war with each other, I won’t say a long history, because Israel despite bleating about their God given right to the lands they occupy, have only existed since 1948, but the last time the two countries went war in 1973, the Yom Kippur War, which Israel claims to have won, but actually didn’t really, it was not a repeat of 1967, when they seized the Palestinian Occupied Territories, the Sinai and the Golan Heights from Syria, they ended up being bailed out by US intervention, Egypt got the Sinai back, peace accords between those two countries were signed and without Egypt partaking of military action going forwards, the rest of the Arab states, didn’t h..

An investigation by LabourList has discovered that while Starmer might take Tory scalps, he could lose seats he already holds.
Right, so the polls are saying Labour are on course for a thumping victory. Depending which on which poll you look at, which you prefer, which do you trust more? Pick your poison, it’s all the same really, but varying between 27 points and 12 points ahead, there’s clearly little agreement, other than Labour are in front, though even that relies on their methodologies and that doesn’t necessarily reflect reality. There are all kinds of factors such polls may not take into account and I’m betting one of those factors is the Muslim vote losses that Starmer has presided over, in no small part, but not exclusively so, his ongoing, apparently immovable position on Israel and Gaza. You see there’s panic going on behind the scenes, where even apparent ultra safe seats that Labour already hold are now, according to their own website, battlegrounds they need help to hold, including some key figures and the common denominator between them all, is the large Muslim population. So how much damage has Keir Starmer done to Labour’s Muslim vote and is it actually fair to consider just them, when so many others are just as disgusted by Keir Starmer and his Zionist politics?
Right, so Labour are so nailed on to win the next General Election, that they are now advertising on their own website that they need help in certain seats that they already hold, and the common denominator is that all of these constituencies have significant Muslim populations, though Labour aren’t admitting to that little nugget of information, that has come courtesy, ironically, of a LabourList investigation, which despite the name is not connected to the Labour Party – they typically do support them – but are actually a news website completely separate and this article is certainly doing Labour no favours and clearly the loss of the Muslim vote Labour typically enjoys a significant c..

Keir Starmer claims to only want high quality candidates for HIS Labour Party, but the truth is selections are utterly corrupt.
Right, so for as much as I’ve covered the candidates Keir Starmer is ridding himself of, on the left, critical of Israel and disproportionately women of colour, those he is busily appointing reads like a who’s who of the worst right wing elements of his faction. I have no idea what the collective noun for a bunch of Starmerroids is, a purge of Starmerroids, a grovel of Starmerroids, a betrayal of Starmerroids you can have fun playing that game yourself, and indeed I put this question out to my YouTube community earlier, the above suggestions my favourite picks, but to say these are rewards for services rendered, signs of brazen corruption instead of fair process and blatant abuse of alleged due diligence is an understatement, so have you had a Starmerroid forced upon your community – an imposition of Starmerroids, there’s another one – and if you haven’t do you really want people such as those I’m about to introduce you to, in positions of power, running the country?
Right, so Keir Starmer there, saying he’s not purging left wing candidates, he’s actually imposing the highest quality candidates, the trouble is when you look at those getting told they aren’t good enough, they have been disproportionately ethnic minority women and of course all have been from the left and all have been critical of Israel. The candidates being chosen to stand are all right wing, and overwhelmingly white and indeed to varying degrees, not critical of Israel at all. These are not high quality candidates, these are the quality equivalent to a Thames Water outflow and indeed when at least 5 members of the Labour National Executive Committee have been given candidacies, the people who decide who are the quality candidates, it is nothing less than brazen and public corruption.
Of course when we look at the Starmer candidates being imposed now – an easy excuse fo..

Keir Starmer claims to only want high quality candidates for HIS Labour Party, but the truth is selections are utterly corrupt.
Right, so for as much as I’ve covered the candidates Keir Starmer is ridding himself of, on the left, critical of Israel and disproportionately women of colour, those he is busily appointing reads like a who’s who of the worst right wing elements of his faction. I have no idea what the collective noun for a bunch of Starmerroids is, a purge of Starmerroids, a grovel of Starmerroids, a betrayal of Starmerroids you can have fun playing that game yourself, and indeed I put this question out to my YouTube community earlier, the above suggestions my favourite picks, but to say these are rewards for services rendered, signs of brazen corruption instead of fair process and blatant abuse of alleged due diligence is an understatement, so have you had a Starmerroid forced upon your community – an imposition of Starmerroids, there’s another one – and if you haven’t do you really want people such as those I’m about to introduce you to, in positions of power, running the country?
Right, so Keir Starmer there, saying he’s not purging left wing candidates, he’s actually imposing the highest quality candidates, the trouble is when you look at those getting told they aren’t good enough, they have been disproportionately ethnic minority women and of course all have been from the left and all have been critical of Israel. The candidates being chosen to stand are all right wing, and overwhelmingly white and indeed to varying degrees, not critical of Israel at all. These are not high quality candidates, these are the quality equivalent to a Thames Water outflow and indeed when at least 5 members of the Labour National Executive Committee have been given candidacies, the people who decide who are the quality candidates, it is nothing less than brazen and public corruption.
Of course when we look at the Starmer candidates being imposed now – an easy excuse fo..

The US & UK have launched their first attack on Yemen's Houthis in 3 months, so what did they do to deserve it?
Right, so Donald Trump has been indicted on 34 felony accounts, but balls to that, if you didn’t already know he was a crook where have you been? Because whilst too many eyes were on the results of the hush money trial, Genocide Joe decided to bomb Yemen again all of a sudden, with Rishi Sunak following suit as fast as his little legs could carry him and why? Well handing more arms to Ukraine and allowing Israel to continue to pound Gaza doesn’t seem to be enough war for him, so with the Houthis continuing to make nuisances of themselves for pro Israel forces, not least the US itself, he’s decided to have another go at them as well. Israel is literally bombing tents at this point and not only is that fine and not crossing a red line, as far as Genocide Joe is concerned, but is aiding them once again by attacking one of the nations still determined to hold Israel to account, even if he won’t.
Right, so overnight Yemen has been struck by a joint US and UK force, the first such strike on the Houthis in 3 months, that has, according to the Associated Press killed 16 and wounded some 35 others. 13 different locations, including the Houthi occupied capita of Sanaa and the port of Aden were struck, though of the targets hit, from telecommunications towers to missile launchers, to one the Houthis boats, but the Houthis themselves drew attention to just one of them, in another port city of Hodeida, where a building that housed civilians as well as Hodeida Radio, was hit and they’ve drawn attention to this particular target because they claim all those hit there were civilians and are now promising even more retaliation against US and UK forces for having carried out this attack on them.
Let’s remember that the Houthis are only doing what they are doing because the US and the UK are doing what they are doing to aid and abet the genocide Israel is meting out in Gaz..

Keir Starmer claims to only want high quality candidates for HIS Labour Party, but the truth is selections are utterly corrupt.
Right, so for as much as I’ve covered the candidates Keir Starmer is ridding himself of, on the left, critical of Israel and disproportionately women of colour, those he is busily appointing reads like a who’s who of the worst right wing elements of his faction. I have no idea what the collective noun for a bunch of Starmerroids is, a purge of Starmerroids, a grovel of Starmerroids, a betrayal of Starmerroids you can have fun playing that game yourself, and indeed I put this question out to my YouTube community earlier, the above suggestions my favourite picks, but to say these are rewards for services rendered, signs of brazen corruption instead of fair process and blatant abuse of alleged due diligence is an understatement, so have you had a Starmerroid forced upon your community – an imposition of Starmerroids, there’s another one – and if you haven’t do you really want people such as those I’m about to introduce you to, in positions of power, running the country?
Right, so Keir Starmer there, saying he’s not purging left wing candidates, he’s actually imposing the highest quality candidates, the trouble is when you look at those getting told they aren’t good enough, they have been disproportionately ethnic minority women and of course all have been from the left and all have been critical of Israel. The candidates being chosen to stand are all right wing, and overwhelmingly white and indeed to varying degrees, not critical of Israel at all. These are not high quality candidates, these are the quality equivalent to a Thames Water outflow and indeed when at least 5 members of the Labour National Executive Committee have been given candidacies, the people who decide who are the quality candidates, it is nothing less than brazen and public corruption.
Of course when we look at the Starmer candidates being imposed now – an easy excuse fo..

Keir Starmer claims to only want high quality candidates for HIS Labour Party, but the truth is selections are utterly corrupt.
Right, so for as much as I’ve covered the candidates Keir Starmer is ridding himself of, on the left, critical of Israel and disproportionately women of colour, those he is busily appointing reads like a who’s who of the worst right wing elements of his faction. I have no idea what the collective noun for a bunch of Starmerroids is, a purge of Starmerroids, a grovel of Starmerroids, a betrayal of Starmerroids you can have fun playing that game yourself, and indeed I put this question out to my YouTube community earlier, the above suggestions my favourite picks, but to say these are rewards for services rendered, signs of brazen corruption instead of fair process and blatant abuse of alleged due diligence is an understatement, so have you had a Starmerroid forced upon your community – an imposition of Starmerroids, there’s another one – and if you haven’t do you really want people such as those I’m about to introduce you to, in positions of power, running the country?
Right, so Keir Starmer there, saying he’s not purging left wing candidates, he’s actually imposing the highest quality candidates, the trouble is when you look at those getting told they aren’t good enough, they have been disproportionately ethnic minority women and of course all have been from the left and all have been critical of Israel. The candidates being chosen to stand are all right wing, and overwhelmingly white and indeed to varying degrees, not critical of Israel at all. These are not high quality candidates, these are the quality equivalent to a Thames Water outflow and indeed when at least 5 members of the Labour National Executive Committee have been given candidacies, the people who decide who are the quality candidates, it is nothing less than brazen and public corruption.
Of course when we look at the Starmer candidates being imposed now – an easy excuse fo..

Keir Starmer claims to only want high quality candidates for HIS Labour Party, but the truth is selections are utterly corrupt.
Right, so for as much as I’ve covered the candidates Keir Starmer is ridding himself of, on the left, critical of Israel and disproportionately women of colour, those he is busily appointing reads like a who’s who of the worst right wing elements of his faction. I have no idea what the collective noun for a bunch of Starmerroids is, a purge of Starmerroids, a grovel of Starmerroids, a betrayal of Starmerroids you can have fun playing that game yourself, and indeed I put this question out to my YouTube community earlier, the above suggestions my favourite picks, but to say these are rewards for services rendered, signs of brazen corruption instead of fair process and blatant abuse of alleged due diligence is an understatement, so have you had a Starmerroid forced upon your community – an imposition of Starmerroids, there’s another one – and if you haven’t do you really want people such as those I’m about to introduce you to, in positions of power, running the country?
Right, so Keir Starmer there, saying he’s not purging left wing candidates, he’s actually imposing the highest quality candidates, the trouble is when you look at those getting told they aren’t good enough, they have been disproportionately ethnic minority women and of course all have been from the left and all have been critical of Israel. The candidates being chosen to stand are all right wing, and overwhelmingly white and indeed to varying degrees, not critical of Israel at all. These are not high quality candidates, these are the quality equivalent to a Thames Water outflow and indeed when at least 5 members of the Labour National Executive Committee have been given candidacies, the people who decide who are the quality candidates, it is nothing less than brazen and public corruption.
Of course when we look at the Starmer candidates being imposed now – an easy excuse fo..

Keir Starmer claims to only want high quality candidates for HIS Labour Party, but the truth is selections are utterly corrupt.
Right, so for as much as I’ve covered the candidates Keir Starmer is ridding himself of, on the left, critical of Israel and disproportionately women of colour, those he is busily appointing reads like a who’s who of the worst right wing elements of his faction. I have no idea what the collective noun for a bunch of Starmerroids is, a purge of Starmerroids, a grovel of Starmerroids, a betrayal of Starmerroids you can have fun playing that game yourself, and indeed I put this question out to my YouTube community earlier, the above suggestions my favourite picks, but to say these are rewards for services rendered, signs of brazen corruption instead of fair process and blatant abuse of alleged due diligence is an understatement, so have you had a Starmerroid forced upon your community – an imposition of Starmerroids, there’s another one – and if you haven’t do you really want people such as those I’m about to introduce you to, in positions of power, running the country?
Right, so Keir Starmer there, saying he’s not purging left wing candidates, he’s actually imposing the highest quality candidates, the trouble is when you look at those getting told they aren’t good enough, they have been disproportionately ethnic minority women and of course all have been from the left and all have been critical of Israel. The candidates being chosen to stand are all right wing, and overwhelmingly white and indeed to varying degrees, not critical of Israel at all. These are not high quality candidates, these are the quality equivalent to a Thames Water outflow and indeed when at least 5 members of the Labour National Executive Committee have been given candidacies, the people who decide who are the quality candidates, it is nothing less than brazen and public corruption.
Of course when we look at the Starmer candidates being imposed now – an easy excuse fo..

The US & UK have launched their first attack on Yemen's Houthis in 3 months, so what did they do to deserve it?
Right, so Donald Trump has been indicted on 34 felony accounts, but balls to that, if you didn’t already know he was a crook where have you been? Because whilst too many eyes were on the results of the hush money trial, Genocide Joe decided to bomb Yemen again all of a sudden, with Rishi Sunak following suit as fast as his little legs could carry him and why? Well handing more arms to Ukraine and allowing Israel to continue to pound Gaza doesn’t seem to be enough war for him, so with the Houthis continuing to make nuisances of themselves for pro Israel forces, not least the US itself, he’s decided to have another go at them as well. Israel is literally bombing tents at this point and not only is that fine and not crossing a red line, as far as Genocide Joe is concerned, but is aiding them once again by attacking one of the nations still determined to hold Israel to account, even if he won’t.
Right, so overnight Yemen has been struck by a joint US and UK force, the first such strike on the Houthis in 3 months, that has, according to the Associated Press killed 16 and wounded some 35 others. 13 different locations, including the Houthi occupied capita of Sanaa and the port of Aden were struck, though of the targets hit, from telecommunications towers to missile launchers, to one the Houthis boats, but the Houthis themselves drew attention to just one of them, in another port city of Hodeida, where a building that housed civilians as well as Hodeida Radio, was hit and they’ve drawn attention to this particular target because they claim all those hit there were civilians and are now promising even more retaliation against US and UK forces for having carried out this attack on them.
Let’s remember that the Houthis are only doing what they are doing because the US and the UK are doing what they are doing to aid and abet the genocide Israel is meting out in Gaz..

Keir Starmer claims to only want high quality candidates for HIS Labour Party, but the truth is selections are utterly corrupt.
Right, so for as much as I’ve covered the candidates Keir Starmer is ridding himself of, on the left, critical of Israel and disproportionately women of colour, those he is busily appointing reads like a who’s who of the worst right wing elements of his faction. I have no idea what the collective noun for a bunch of Starmerroids is, a purge of Starmerroids, a grovel of Starmerroids, a betrayal of Starmerroids you can have fun playing that game yourself, and indeed I put this question out to my YouTube community earlier, the above suggestions my favourite picks, but to say these are rewards for services rendered, signs of brazen corruption instead of fair process and blatant abuse of alleged due diligence is an understatement, so have you had a Starmerroid forced upon your community – an imposition of Starmerroids, there’s another one – and if you haven’t do you really want people such as those I’m about to introduce you to, in positions of power, running the country?
Right, so Keir Starmer there, saying he’s not purging left wing candidates, he’s actually imposing the highest quality candidates, the trouble is when you look at those getting told they aren’t good enough, they have been disproportionately ethnic minority women and of course all have been from the left and all have been critical of Israel. The candidates being chosen to stand are all right wing, and overwhelmingly white and indeed to varying degrees, not critical of Israel at all. These are not high quality candidates, these are the quality equivalent to a Thames Water outflow and indeed when at least 5 members of the Labour National Executive Committee have been given candidacies, the people who decide who are the quality candidates, it is nothing less than brazen and public corruption.
Of course when we look at the Starmer candidates being imposed now – an easy excuse fo..

Genocide Joe Biden shifts his red lines in response to Israel's 'tragic mistakes' of bombing tents in Rafah with US ordnance.
Right, so US arms sales to Israel, the single biggest supplier of military equipment and aid to Netanyahu’s genocidal state, have continued come what may, come all the accusations, evidence of Israeli atrocity being committed in Gaza, a death toll that keeps climbing and we’re told that if Netanyahu goes into Rafah and uses US weaponry, then arms sales from the US will have to end. Biden has said this.
Well this week has seen some appalling scenes in Rafah where most of the Gaza population lie trapped, 2000lb bombs being dropped on literal tents, Rafah, it’s population swollen far beyond the numbers of people it was meant to house, having doubled in size thanks to a tent city having built up alongside it. Netanyahu called this a tragic mistake, but if you believe that, you’ll believe anything. However now we have proof that US weapons were used on that tent city in Rafah, US weapons have been used in Rafah, so Joe Biden are you going to stop the arms sales? I won’t hold my breath.
Right, so that was US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, denying all knowledge of US munitions having been used on the tent city in Rafah, an investigation will be needed despite multiple sources having reported that US munitions were used by Israel in Rafah, that the people that have been killed the this week, means the US have blood on it’s hands, and few have more of it given their incredible levels of sycophancy towars Israel than the likes of Blinken, who frankly is probably waiting not so much for an independent investigation, but for Israel to tell them instead. He did claim Israel had very credible evidence that UNRWA had been infiltrated by Hamas after all, despite that evidence never having actually materialised. He’s way past the point of fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
The scenes in Rafah this week have been amongst the very wor..

Genocide Joe Biden shifts his red lines in response to Israel's 'tragic mistakes' of bombing tents in Rafah with US ordnance.
Right, so US arms sales to Israel, the single biggest supplier of military equipment and aid to Netanyahu’s genocidal state, have continued come what may, come all the accusations, evidence of Israeli atrocity being committed in Gaza, a death toll that keeps climbing and we’re told that if Netanyahu goes into Rafah and uses US weaponry, then arms sales from the US will have to end. Biden has said this.
Well this week has seen some appalling scenes in Rafah where most of the Gaza population lie trapped, 2000lb bombs being dropped on literal tents, Rafah, it’s population swollen far beyond the numbers of people it was meant to house, having doubled in size thanks to a tent city having built up alongside it. Netanyahu called this a tragic mistake, but if you believe that, you’ll believe anything. However now we have proof that US weapons were used on that tent city in Rafah, US weapons have been used in Rafah, so Joe Biden are you going to stop the arms sales? I won’t hold my breath.
Right, so that was US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, denying all knowledge of US munitions having been used on the tent city in Rafah, an investigation will be needed despite multiple sources having reported that US munitions were used by Israel in Rafah, that the people that have been killed the this week, means the US have blood on it’s hands, and few have more of it given their incredible levels of sycophancy towars Israel than the likes of Blinken, who frankly is probably waiting not so much for an independent investigation, but for Israel to tell them instead. He did claim Israel had very credible evidence that UNRWA had been infiltrated by Hamas after all, despite that evidence never having actually materialised. He’s way past the point of fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
The scenes in Rafah this week have been amongst the very wor..

The same Starmer led purge against Labour members is now being conducted against parliamentary candidates and MPs.
Right, so for everyone who has viewed the complaints that the left have been victims of a purge by Starmer since he became Labour leader, now that it is happening to parliamentary candidates and even long standing MPs themselves, all of a sudden the more people and certainly the mainstream media are sitting up and taking notice of just how despotic things have become in the Labour Party whilst they’ve been giving Keir Starmer a free pass, but if you think this is just another video about Diane Abbott, then you’re wrong, because clearly she was just the first. Yesterday evening, and in a last minute change on Newsnight in order to get her on, Faiza Shaheen spoke of how she has now been dismissed as a Labour parliamentary candidate, the woman who almost beat Iain Duncan Smith in 2019, despite how bad that election went for Labour, on similar spurious charges so many others in the party have been dismissed over, making a mockery that it is about electability and as another woman of colour told she isn’t wanted, the racism Starmer is presiding over has been dialled up to 9. And things haven’t stopped there, and who knows who else is going to be axed in the coming days?
Right, so that was Faiza Shaheen, talking to Victoria Derbyshire on last night’s Newsnight about how she had only been informed literally an hour before she went on the show, via email, to tell her she was no longer the Labour parliamentary candidate for Chingford and Wood Green. She had literally been out campaigning, baby strapped to her as she was knocking on doors, and all the while the the media were already been briefed that she had been dropped as labour’s candidate, which is just plain nasty and on the basis of 14 tweets since 2014, some since before she was even a Labour member, so the thought police strike again. Nothing prior to the time of being a member is relevant to the party..

The same Starmer led purge against Labour members is now being conducted against parliamentary candidates and MPs.
Right, so for everyone who has viewed the complaints that the left have been victims of a purge by Starmer since he became Labour leader, now that it is happening to parliamentary candidates and even long standing MPs themselves, all of a sudden the more people and certainly the mainstream media are sitting up and taking notice of just how despotic things have become in the Labour Party whilst they’ve been giving Keir Starmer a free pass, but if you think this is just another video about Diane Abbott, then you’re wrong, because clearly she was just the first. Yesterday evening, and in a last minute change on Newsnight in order to get her on, Faiza Shaheen spoke of how she has now been dismissed as a Labour parliamentary candidate, the woman who almost beat Iain Duncan Smith in 2019, despite how bad that election went for Labour, on similar spurious charges so many others in the party have been dismissed over, making a mockery that it is about electability and as another woman of colour told she isn’t wanted, the racism Starmer is presiding over has been dialled up to 9. And things haven’t stopped there, and who knows who else is going to be axed in the coming days?
Right, so that was Faiza Shaheen, talking to Victoria Derbyshire on last night’s Newsnight about how she had only been informed literally an hour before she went on the show, via email, to tell her she was no longer the Labour parliamentary candidate for Chingford and Wood Green. She had literally been out campaigning, baby strapped to her as she was knocking on doors, and all the while the the media were already been briefed that she had been dropped as labour’s candidate, which is just plain nasty and on the basis of 14 tweets since 2014, some since before she was even a Labour member, so the thought police strike again. Nothing prior to the time of being a member is relevant to the party..


Created 4 months, 1 week ago.

668 videos

Category News & Politics

Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on
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